Tuesday, June 16, 2009


As Brooke gets older the more she wants to be entertained, the shorter her attention span becomes, and the more she knows what she wants. Tim and I thought we were being good parents when we bought her a baby einstein stationary jumper when she got too big for her swing...sometimes she really likes it...

but sometimes we get this...

So we decided to let her play with what she wants. Here are a few of her favorite toys...


door stoppers (which we now refer to as the boingy)

my phone

The remote

and the kicker...the little plastic hooks that attach to the top of the jumper. Why do I buy her toys???


travis and hayley said...

haha... i am literally laughing... sooo cute! oh i just want to squeeze her she is sooo adorable

Shaun, Erica, Isaac, Parker, & Blake said...

I understand completely. I think we buy the toys for us... Reading the same book over and over can only last so long!

Marcella said...

Andrew is the same way! Especially with the jumper. Sometimes it's laughs and smiles, and the next second it's 'get me out'! Oh well, at least they'll probably like remotes for awhile. :)

The Washams said...

That made me laugh! It's so true too!

Moss Family said...

Oh I can relate! Josh says all we are getting him for Christmas is a cardboard box. She is just adorable!